Tuesday, May 5, 2009

BLOG Giveaway

I'm partnering with a wonderful woman and friend Bekah for a free giveaway on her blog; Bekah's Blog for this Mother's Day. So if you are a mother, mother-to-be or need a gift for your mother enter to win on Bekah's blog and come back to my blog to see what other fun things I make! So go to Bekah's blog and vote on your favorite and enter to win!! This ends Friday, May 8th at midnight!

Items to win:
1. Animal print fortune cookies - you can put whatever messages you want in them, bible verses, why you love your mom, etc.
2. Modern burp cloth - these are high quality burp cloths that are sure to turn heads! Why not look fabulous even if it will be covered in spit up ;)
3. Clutch Purse - This is a little clutch perfect for a night out with the gals! Put your essentials in it and go. It also makes for a great little bag for traveling.

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